Day One of HRT: Estradiol, Down the Hatch...

May 31, 2011 18:53

And suddenly I want to knit, read Vogue, and wear high heels. I can't explain it. Just kidding. But in all seriousness, I just got back from the endocrinology office. I was so nervous in the waiting room, surrounded by elderly patients with diabetes (they are a split endo/diabetes clinic). I felt a little strange, because I seemed to be the only person there for an endo appointment. One of the older ladies asked me, "So, what are you here for? Diabetes?" I just replied, "Oh, no...endocrinology." I should have said, "Actually, I'm trying to magically transform into a girl via the miracles of modern science." That probably would have blown her poor geriatric mind. The doctor was super-friendly. He asked me several questions about the length of time I've felt this way about myself, as well as if I had a support system with family, friends, or groups. After a very brief period of questioning, he basically just laid it out for me, what side effects to expect, what meds he'd be prescribing, and what he'd be telling the insurance companies so I can get my meds covered (I apparently have hypogonadism, who knew, haha). And so here I am. I just swallowed my estradiol. So, it begins. Also, I've decided to take a picture of myself once a month or bi-monthly to document my progress. Originally I was going to keep my face off this blog, but to be honest, I don't see an issue. My blog isn't searchable on Google, and no one can look it up using any of my personal data. I'm considering making it private, but I still do want other transgender people to find it on LiveJournal. Here's me as of yesterday, sans estrogen (day zero).
Here fucking goes, Teegan

hormones, spironolactone, transgender, estradiol, hrt

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