Adventures in Man-Land, and the Question of YouTube

Aug 30, 2011 11:00

I have been very busy lately, so I haven't had a lot of time to make updates. I mean, this journal is really just a personal journal made semi-public, and I should be posting in it for me, and using as a therapy tool. I haven't, and I should be doing it more.

Saturday night was totally awesome. My friend did my makeup, and I wore a sleeveless black and dark green striped top, a thin scarf around my neck, and skinny jeans. Truth be told, it wasn't ultra-femme, but like I've said, I'm not really ultra-femme. I almost forgot that the LGBT area we went to was totally Man-Land; going as female, I felt a little out of place. I mean, sure, it's LGBT-friendly, but it's a decidedly male crowd, and it caters to a gay male crowd. Still, it was fun, and I had one too many drinks, which luckily didn't result in sickness, but did result in a hangover the next day (it didn't help that it was over a hundred degrees outside and the room I slept in is only fan-cooled, not air conditioned). Bottom line: I felt very comfortable in this role, being female. It's good to have this kind of affirmation, even if I already believed it myself. This sort of thing kind of galvanizes me into pushing forward with everything I've got. It's a great self-esteem boost. Also, I forgot to take pictures. D'oh! Maybe next time. . .

One of the people that night that we went out drinking with kept saying things like, "Oh, you looked so handsome as a guy!" He was moderately drunk, but still, the only response I could basically say was, "Thanks?" with an awkward smile, and then mutter under my breath, "Um, who are you talking to?" It was awkward. I was trying to fit this new role, and everyone kept calling me by my birth name and using male pronouns. Okay, so, this is the first night in doing this, and I kind of surprised everyone, so that's understandable. I have to remember that this is going to take some getting used to for them. We all transition together; at the same time I'm transitioning, my friends have to transition with me. That's important. They have to have time to adapt too.

Also, on the topic of YouTube. . .

Well, I have an account up now, and a fairly nice webcam (at least by my simpleton standards). I want to connect more with the online community and share my experiences via videos, and I'm not quite ready to start making videos over and over ad nauseum, because I'd like to move out first beforehand, for one. I still might make a handful of videos here and there, as sort of video journal entries. They aren't going to be all ultra-dramatic and cheesy; it's just going to be me, camera, and blathering about semi-relevant nonsense. Hopefully I can educate some people about a few trans-related things, and maybe I can learn a thing or two as well. I've always wanted to get more into YouTube, and this sounds like a good, positive way to do it. I want to help the community, because it's that very community that got me where I am at this point today. I'm thankful, and I want to give back.

So, we'll see how this works out. In the meantime, if you have an account, you should add me as a friend / subscribe. . .

Hopefully in the next month or so I'll be able to start posting some schtuff.

Cheers and love,

coming out, transgender, barhopping, youtube

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