Rock Musicals, Rad Movies, and [More] Ridiculously Unnecessary Alliteration as Well

Aug 19, 2011 11:48

So...I'm fine.

Haven't updated my journal in a little bit, or at least not as often as I'd like to. I'm surviving. I'm actually in a pretty decent mood today. Must be half this Jamba Juice with a 3G Energy Shot (which sounds kind of frightening if you ask me) and half that I'm actually recovering and moving on from recent traumatic events. I should probably give myself more credit than I do.

We had our first director's meeting Monday for the musical that I'm working on. It's actually going to be one of several one-act plays going on the same evening, ours being the only musical production. We had a meeting with all the other directors of the other plays, and basically just tried to figure out when we'll schedule rehearsal dates and how we'll partition school funds to finance the productions. I felt like such a fish out of water--I've never directed anything and I know next to nothing about how plays work in technical terms. I mean, I'm just this musician person (my co-director, Jenna, is the brains behind the operation). Have to say, though, it felt totally rad sitting amongst all these somewhat seasoned student directors and feeling like I was "seasoned" too. I can't believe this is actually happening! We're producing a musical that I wrote the music for! I feel like I fell into an alternate dimension this year where everything is going my way, finally.

I went to see a trans-related film over the weekend: Gun Hill Road. My opinion? As a film, in comparison to other family-centric dramas, it was decent. It suffered a little from the typical cliches of angry traditional father, sympathetic mother, and rebellious child trying to find her way in the world. That said, the big difference between this film and other films is the child is a male-to-female, and the father, having just left a prison sentence of three (?) years, now has to deal with the fact that his child is now transitioning. In that sense, this film is important in a cultural sense, even if it was only a semi-decent movie. I really thought it was well acted, and the portrayal of a young, reckless male-to-female stuck within the confines of a traditional hispanic culture and trying to break free from was really fairly done. Very respectful. And the actress is actually transgendered. Also ran into a trans-woman who is actually fairly well known in the community on YouTube and Susan's Place; we saw the film together and had a really wonderful chat afterwards over food. She's gotten me hooked up with a therapist at the Gender Center in Los Angeles; it's about time I found a gender-focused therapist for the road ahead. All in all, it was a great evening.

In terms of HRT changes...

My arm hair really doesn't grow in much anymore; I mean, it's there, but it's mostly thin, clear-ish vellus hairs. Honestly, I don't remember exactly how it looked before (I guess that means I've come a long way already), but I remember it actually looking like there was hair on my arm. Right now, there's hair, but it's mostly invisible.

My breasts are still becoming more breast-like. They're still pitfully small, but I actually have fat tissue growth behind the mammary glands. It's enough to warrant the purchase (or borrowing) of sports bras. I don't honestly care that much about breast growth. I don't want implants. I am fine with eventual A-cups (even if I halfways-suspect that my genes will allow me bigger). I really just want breasts, period. Big breasts aren't that important to me.

My face is softening up more and more too, and there is definite fat accumulation around my buttocks and hips. It's not totally noticeable yet but I can definitely feel it there. I honestly didn't expect this much in terms of noticeable changes at this point, just under three months. I guess everyone really is different when it comes to this stuff.

Anyway, I'll wrap this up...hopefully be writing more often.

Love ya,

gun hill road, hormones, transgender, hrt, musical

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