Insert Catchier, More Marketable Name Than "Project Get More Exercise"

Jul 23, 2011 12:23

Project Get More Exercise is underway, and it's sort of working.

I'm going to try and go hiking today for a few hours; there's some weird trail in the Malibu Mountains called the Phantom Trail that I know nothing about, but it looks rad (okay, I have no idea what it looks like, but it sounds rad, and that's really all that matters). Later on today, I'm baking a chocolate velvet cake with a friend. I don't know how to bake a cake, so this will be a learning experience. Baking was one of those things I never mastered. I can fry, barbeque, microwave, follow directions, and eat (oh...I can eat), but I never could bake. Hopefully this will change.

The TG group that I've been attending is back underway, thankfully (if you remember, the entirety of the Ventura County Rainbow Alliance completely went bankrupt and ceased to exist last month, which by the way is astonishing beyond words, as it had existed for eighteen years). Next meeting is on Monday; hopefully attendance will be up. Lately, it's just been me and a couple others per group, and I find that kind of depressing. I wish there was more of a community here.

I had a hair removal appointment on Thursday for 45 minutes. Last time I did this was two months ago, before I started hormones. I quit shaving Sunday to prepare for the Thursday appointment, and before that was quite sufficient, but this time I barely had enough hair to work on. All was well, though, and there was much less hair than last time (last time, we cleared my entire upper lip in an hour and a half, but this time we did [most] of it in 45 minutes), so we got more done in less time. I'm actually seeing progress with this. I don't want to remotely go full-time until this is complete, so this has cheered me up a lot.

With grace,

cake, baking, transgender, support, exercise, hair removal, thermolysis

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