Apr 27, 2009 08:27
So, it's been six months since I updated over here, which nobody probably even noticed because I've been running my mouth on FB instead.
We've been busily figuring out what to do with our kindergarten-bound eldest (private school), how to start paying off some of the debt we've accumulated while Dale was in school (as quickly as possible), and what parts of the house we can afford to fix up (the paint and the yard).
I had a yard sale on Saturday, which got rid of about half the stuff I wanted to. My mom's womens' club is having a sale soon and she'd asked for whatever I had left, which she will most definitely get - I'm going to take it all and put it in THEIR garage tomorrow.
I spent yesterday bagging leaves and picking up sticks. I'm done with about 90% of the yard, not including the magnolia tree. The magnolia tree gets its own category, because it's huge and leafy and sheddy. It'll probably be another three hours of work to finish up.
When I got tired of bagging leaves, I pulled out my paint-stripping equipment and started on the front porch. Fifteen years of deferred maintenance has left the front of the house looking rather shabby, and I'm tired of looking at it. Also, Jonah is getting to an age where he'll want to have his school friends over and I don't want him to be embarrassed about his home. We have a cute house, and now that I've got some time, the inclination and some good weather, I'm going to make it as spiff as I can. I got one column half-stripped in about an hour, so a day or so of work should get most of the porch straight. I'm going to need to find a longer ladder to do the trim that's higher up - fortunately the house is brick, so I don't have that much to paint.