Nov 06, 2014 17:05
So I had a facebook friend (also known in real life) post in all caps that his place of employment is looking to hire full timers and soon, and to get is real life email address from him so you can send him your resume directly! and to fb him to discuss, so i did just that.
well, he gave me the site to look up for myself the job postings, did not give me his personal email to push my resume to.. and so i kind of get the feeling that my responding to him was not what he expected, nor necessarily wanted. We get along well and all, but we aren't hang out playing music, going to clubs, grab a pizza kind of friends, moreso the kind that get together for theatre or something artsy and have fun then bye.
So, am I being snubbed a little or paranoid?
because come on, nobody likes job hunting anyhow but we all have to do it at some point. and once my car insurance is up next month i begin looking at $700 a month in bills and a $450 monthly income if I'm lucky, so, it's time to move on.....
So basically, he's not giving me any special help at all by being an employee there and can give me any credit at all to say I'm legit and that makes me sad.