Jun 02, 2006 20:10
didnt steal this.. from maeg OR katie :D
[my name is]: Kelly Colbert
[in the morning i was]: technically i wasnt awake in the morning...:D
[what i need now is]: God... or something or that can make me a frog.. **ribet**
[love is]: i love lamp
[i'm afraid of]: rainbows, talk about creepy.. they appear OUT OF THIN AIR PEOPLE.. think about it... actually.. rainbows are stupid.. ever try and catch one.. NOT POSSIBLE.. i found that out the hard way
[i dream about]: catching a rainbow :D
** series one - your
-- Middle name: anne ... *shudders*
-- Birth time: how the fuck would i know, oki..ive just been born and im going to read the time?! fucken morons
-- Birthplace: Boganville.. Papau New Guinea
-- Last place traveled: South America... unless sleep is counted as a place.. i go there often
-- Eye Color: Brown.. like the colour of shit, dammit
-- Nail Color: black
-- Zodiac Sign: capricorneai ..*( i added the eai myself.. it sounds.. ahh authentic :D)
** series two - describe:
-- Your heritage: Fijian Australian..... Uranium.. mars and Jupiter to
-- The shoes you wore today: what are shoe? issues.. tissues?
-- Your hair: Straight.. and brown.. and almost long
-- Your weakness: i have no weaknesses.. im awsome.. :D
-- Your perfect pizza: pfft any pizzas perfect.. pizza enhances the quality of life :: from the gospel of st kelly 5:28
** series three - what is:
-- Your most overused phrase: uber, uber, uber, uber, uber
-- Your thoughts first waking up: "oh yay another day is dawning, oh what a joy i didnt wake u dead, so i can go to school and continue yawning, and get my sleep in my chair instead of in my bed"
-- Your current worry: mmmmm, the letter 'F'
-- Your plans tomorrow: taking obver the world
-- Your best physical feature: like i care, im invisible HA HA HA
-- Your bedtime: bedtime?
** series four - you prefer:
-- sunrise or sunset: riseset.. sounds cooler
-- gore or horror: gorrah :D.. giant mokeys!
-- eastside or westside: what about the northside yo.. ALI G!
-- stripes or polka dots: Polka Stripes.. not too dotty not to stripey
-- Planes or trains: boats that have planes on them but you need to take a train to get to!
-- metal or hardcore: HARDCORE METAL ROCK ON!!!... third grade ocharstra concert... Wow
-- Boxers or briefs: Boxers...LMAO.. more room hahahahahaha
-- Pools or hot tubs: a pool with a hot tub innnit!
** series five - do you
--- Want to get married: hell no.. thats a little tooo religious for me he hee hee
-- Like to take baths: like a deer?
-- Get motion sickness: pfft nooo.. i
-- Like talking on the phone: depends on who im talking to... when no ones on the other end, i could go for ages..
-- Like thunderstorms: why yes.. yes i do
-- Play an instrument: HARMONICA!!! wooot.. i can almost play the drums.................almost
-- Work out: pfft, yea,, in my sleep i remember i was running somewhere
-- Like reading: yes, anything is better then reality
** series six - favorite:
-- Body part: pfft, brain!
-- Kind of fruit: grapes
-- Music to fall asleep to: any.. i can even fall asleep without music.. i know, im impressive
-- Car: gold plated lamberguine diablo.. growl
-- Number: infinity :D
-- Thing to do: RANDOM BEER PARTY
-- Color:black , and blue + Rainbow
-- Food: as long as it tastes good, i dont need to know whats innit, im good
series 7 is a liar, the cia and the church are working together and band series 7 because area 51 was being taken over by angels..
**series eight - the future:
-- Age you hope to be married: 1234567903749375362957937492374 and 1
-- Numbers and Names of Children: i hate children
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: uh.. after armagedon will be fine
-- How do you want to die: in honour, or something cool, like war..
-- What do you want to be when you grow up?: alive, and preferably out of prison and a mental ward... ALIENS
-- What country would you most like to visit: Pluto... it could one day become a country.. no hopers
** series nine - finish:
-- I eat: food.. and electricity.. I AM ELECTROMAN GIRL!
-- I think: ITS A LIE!!
-- I am: the master of the universe.. no no.. the multiverse
-- I adore: the chipmunks.. they were so cool.. i liked alvin
-- I suck at: reality..
-- I am obsessed with: ANIME and MANGA japanamasion
-- I can: i think i can i think i can
-- I can't wait: til i rule the worlds!
-- I am annoyed with: damn those annoying rainbows
-- I miss: the days where a nickel was a nickel