1. Cambridge exams: I did it! Ha! I did it! In november I did FCEs and I just got results. A. Great. :D I'm awesome. All of my classmates failed though, so I feel bad for feeling good.
2. I've decided to try to apply for English/Japanese and English/History. Dunno how it works out though. I'd love to study Japanese, but it's farther away from home and my money situtation is pretty bad at the moment.
3. My sister just gave to me two
Gnomon Workshop DVDs. They're amazing. First one is
Color theory: The mechanics of Color and the second one is
Practical Light and Color. Both explain in four hours total what my art teacher took like twelve weeks to do so.
4. I did an animation for my IT class and I like it. It's not finished yet, but it already has around 60 frames. It would have like 200 if I finished it. :D