Apr 17, 2005 22:15
So i didnt't update in like, well you people can count. A while. What has changed? Oh right, I've finally stopped being bored, tired, and generally angry and bitter. Well I havent stopped being angry and bitter, Ive just stopped being randomly angry and bitter. Im back to being angry and bitter about the important things in life. Like that bastard tom delay, and fox news. They suck. Anyways, Im also in alot of allergy medication, and its kinda messing me up a little. Ill deal though. Let me see... Skamsutra had a kick ass show today at the Stone Church. Quite the definition of insanely awesome. Even my grandparents liked it. I really do love playing with those guys. I wish I didn't miss practice so much. Tennis is tough, we are playing well but we arent winning. Me and Klink are playing some pretty impressive doubles, and we should be able to challenge up soon. Im finally starting to play better.
On a different note. I've been spending time with Amanda again. I didn't realize till recently how far we had drifted apart. But she really has been there for me recently when Ive needed a good friend the most, despite the fact that I always haven't treated her the best. In fact, that is one of the things I would change if I had a chance to go back and try everything over again. I wouldnt start a flame war with emily that would make us hate eachother for a long time. I wouldnt hate jamie for no particular reason, and I totally would have tried to be a little bit warmer as a person. Alot of times in my life, Ive kinda been a methane ice ball of frozen emotion. But yeah, so we hung out for a while saturday, got some pretty good, but altogether too spicy buffalo chicken pizza and went down to Prescott park and wathed the stars come out, which was really the first time id done that. She just makes me laugh like no one else does, and I feel so comfortable around her, there is like no tension. Its so comforting.
Yeah so thats alot fo typing for me, especially in my current condition. Ill post again tomorrow probably.