From Twitter 08-26-2010

Aug 27, 2010 03:12

  • 01:27:22: RT @ebertchicago: Buddhists never seem to be mad at anybody.
  • 01:27:53: RT @Kimi_Kobayashi: Sarah Palin wants to make a difference but she's still wandering around Walmart looking for the ingredients.
  • 01:28:26: RT @Glark: Hot Sausage is nonplussed!
  • 10:36:56: What have you done today to make you feel proud?
  • 10:37:37: RT @songsstuck: I wrote about reality TV and The Hunger Games for Jezebel: ...
  • 10:38:00: RT @TVWithoutPity: Tough call, but still going with garbage cat lady. RT @Awl: Who Is Britain's Most Disgusting Woman? http://www.theawl ...
  • 10:38:34: RT @TaraAriano: I just won the Nobel Prize in Assembling An Outfit That Suits Both A Hot Commute And A Frigid Office.
  • 10:51:30: RT @LogoTV: Yay a story on our very own Jujubee in the Boston Globe! (BTW did you know her real name???) -Marc
  • 12:00:52: RT @TVWithoutPity: "Tron Örökség" is a better title. Umlauts! RT @GeekTyrant: Cool Looking International Poster for #TRON: LEGACY http:/ ...
  • 12:01:54: RT @Disalmanac: UPDATE: Will Forte is leaving SNL. He wants to work in comedy instead.
  • 12:04:17: I'll be getting my wisdom tooth extracted today, so afterwards I'll be on opiates. If I tweet, you can guess whether it's before or after!
  • 12:04:30: RT @LogoTV: We just acquired Nip/Tuck which starts in Oct! -Marc RT @Swirl2009: @ LogoTV ...less Buffy episodes in the eve. Another serie ...
  • 12:05:25: Wow, I haven't watched Nip/Tuck since Season 1. And, okay, like two episodes of Season 3, but not enough to understand wtf was going on.
  • 12:05:37: RT @TheAdvocateMag: Pentagon to Meet With Gay Partners: The Pentagon's Comprehensive Review Working Group on "Don't Ask, Don't
    ... http ...
  • 12:16:47: RT @LogoTV: LOL -Marc RT @chubbyjones: @ LogoTV how about a different take on the crap that was The Real L Word and making a true Real L ...
  • 12:18:17: @ Moncere Well, I'll be getting caught up on LOGO in Oct! lol
  • 12:27:14: That was a three-blow candle.

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