
Apr 25, 2008 06:45

So I'm talking to a high school friend who is currently in Iraq, and I just wanted to share a small snippet of our conversation-

tedivm: is it getting better over that at all?
friend:  no
friend:  lets put it this way
friend:  the last group of ppl we relieved, they got attacked like once and it wasnt even close, we got hit so many times and one time killed 3 ppl

I know that with my friends list being who it is, I'm probably preaching to the choir here, but jesus, this war needs to end.

If people really want to support the troops, they need to mail their congressmen, senators, and other elected officials and say that its time to get out of there. Its time to call up the news stations and say that you're sick of hearing about paris hilton or how Obama scratched his face using his middle finger, and focus on the fact that people are over there fighting and dying over a war that was sold to the american people on falsehoods and fear.

Where are the weapons of mass destruction? Saddam's ties to terrorism? What the fuck are we doing there, other than trying to hold together a mess we put in place.

Its not enough to just put a yellow ribbon on the back of your car. Its not.

And its not enough to just complain to friends, or on LJ. When you read this, I want you to answer one very important question (to yourself or in a comment)- when was the last time you actually contacted your elected official, about anything?
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