Aug 10, 2006 22:06
Kind of silly, but just for fun:
Ted's Allegory of the Cow
In the midst of the fight of nature vs. nurture, I went down on a roadtrip to texas. While going down there, I saw many sights and landscapes that stimulated thought. I'm beginning to visualize my mind as... a cow, grazing in the grass.
Now, our minds consist of a few things: 1) A cow 2) Landscape 3) grass 4)fencing
The landscape is what nature gives us. It is what our minds can contain, or how easy it is for us to get there. Some regions are uphill, some downhill, some harder for the cow to get to, and some easier for the cow to get to.
Now what we learn from our environment is the (seed of the) grass. Now, there is a lot of different ways grass can get into the landscape. Mainly just from experiences, stimuli, culture, etc. The grass is mainly just associations, emotions that are tied with certain concepts and things. And this grass grows, it grows on the landscape.
The cow is our consciousness. Our active minds. He goes and eats/processes grass. Logic, thinking, processing, digests the grass. The cow then poops that processed grass, poop is very fertile, with seeds from the last processed grass. This grass grows. So the cow, is actively increasing his landscape with grass, as he wanders and finds more to eat.
Now the cow, for reasons for his own safety, puts up wire fences along places that he doesn't want to eat grass. This frail wire fence is called inhibitions. However, if the hill is steep (downhill) enough, or if the cow is hungry enough, he may get through the fence, and eat forbidden grass. Which is terrible, because he might poop the seeds from that grass in places they shouldn't be.
But the cow has no reason to do that. He is normally quite satisfied with his grass.
For some unfortunate minds, even if they have good natured landscapes, where the good places are downhill and bad uphill, their environments might not give them the good seeds of grass to grow. Those cows only have the bitter weeds of hatred and greed to feed off of. Some of those poor starved cows maybe be able to get by, being selective about what to process. But others are more often corrupted, and learn feed on that grass, and poops it everywhere, to create more.
But us, in our suburban environments, have good cows, sturdy fencing and hopefully helpful landscaping.