Aug 07, 2008 20:21
This week we took both Steve and Minkey to the vet for their annual checkup
and vaccine boosters.
Steve was getting his rabies and distemper shots, and I noticed the Vet
tech assistant was tapping his nose, right around the time of the
injection. Steve didn't notice the shots, just the bop-bop-bop on the nose. I
thought it was such a cool trick.
So, the next day, when I took Minkey in to the same office, I
bop-bop-bop-ed him on the nose when he was getting his temperature
taken. He hates that part, and always cries. This time, it was like
nothing happened.
So, when you know it's going to be bad, tapping the nose helps. I suspect
this works with other things, just a little hypnotic distraction.