(no subject)

May 30, 2006 00:41

I have a theory that could make time travel possible, but there are some pre-requisits and limitations.


-You would only be able to see into the past
-You would not be able to touch, smell, hear or interact with what happened in the past

-We need to develop some sort of rocket or other device that is capable of moving faster than the speed of light
-We need to develop a telescopic lens of some sort that will allow magnification down to about 1 meter from literally thousands of light years away, and also penetrate through objects such as clouds and trees and concrete
-We need to be able to attach that lens to the faster-than-lightspeed device
-We need to devlop the ability to move a human body at the speed of light (this one is not neccissary, but would be REALLY freakin cool!)
-We need a detailed map of the universe inclusive of a radius of thousands of lightyears in an outward direction from the center of the earth.

The fact that we have none of this is litterally the ONLY THING stopping us from being able to see into the past.
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