(no subject)

Dec 31, 2005 16:37

You know, i dont need a survey or questionnaire to sum up 2005. Really, i could do it with three letters (meh). But for the sake of record keeping, here's a short list:

-Less shows than the year before (i think - either way, more shows are needed)
-Recorded an album nearly 3 times
-received two ridiculous pay hikes.
-Absolutely nothing worth mentioning happened personally/socially
-Far less jamming. farrr less. ridiculous.

things to look forward in 2006:

-The realease of an album
-The founding of Wrekked World Headquarters
-Finishing off the rig rebuilding
-Out of town shows????
-VACATION (I sware to god, if i dont get out of this country for at least a week in 2006, there will be much pain - MUCH PAIN)
-I also look forward to all the ups and downs. Hopefully, there will be more ups this time around.
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