Nov 19, 2003 21:17
Happy Birthday Jennifuuuurrrerrer!! :) I love you very much. ♡
I hope she likes her present from me. :)
Anyway... I actually have to do homework today because Mrs. Parker assigned a dialetical journal and every homework from her class must be typed. So yeah.. I'll read in a minute, finish up the journal.. polish and polish more on my composition mistakes. I don't want anymore fully marked papers returned to me. >_< Can anyone help me edit my stuff? :x
Hahaha.. I still have a candy apple on my desk from about.. 3 weeks ago? Hahaha.. Kind of gross, but I think I'll eat it sometime soon anyway. :) Can't be wasting [yummy] food now. Barry yells at me for that.. quite a lot.
One last thing, does anybody have Straight Out of Line by Godsmack on their hard drive? I tried downloading that song for about 6 times and they ALL have screeches and all that crap on it after the first few seconds. I'm pissed off. If you have it, can you please send it to me? :D