Jun 02, 2006 10:08
My physics exam was a disaster - I'm unlikely to pass. It just so turns out that if I don't get amazing grades for these end of year exams then my predicted grades wont be particularly high and my universities of choice may not excepting me, leading me to be a hobo for the next few decades of my life - wouldn't that be fun.
In other news (is anyone actually still here?), I am preparing for my school play which is going to be performed in two weeks, and where some people have hardly shown up to rehersals and hardly anyone as of yet have learned their lines. In three weeks the school has its theird 'International Culture Week', based around the cinema and cinematography. I'm in the 'student crew' with a few other people, and we'll be working with the professionals when they get here; I just hope they aren't scared away by our intesnsely horribly story-boarding and one of the most bizzare screenplays since Robert Mu wrote the screenplay for 'My mother is really an alien who has been disguised as my father for all of her life'.
A then, one month from now, I will be going to America. I don't have a clue how that's going to work out, seeing as people there are probably far different from how I remember them, and that I get back halfway through August when I will be expected to hand in the first draft of an extended essay of my choosing to my History teacher on the Fawklands War (who actually won?)
All in all, the last month of school and summer holidays are gonna be pretty hellish. Hope yer all having fun whereever y'all are!