Sep 19, 2005 17:56
It's been exactly a month since I last updated. What a conicidence. I guess it's been a mixture of not having time, and when I do have the time, not bothering. Nothing spectacular has happened. But, not many spectactular things do happen in life.
But anyhow. Today is 'Speak like a Pirate Day!' I got really excited when I heard this, because, as many people know, I am a hardcore pirate type guy. Albeit, I don't wear the eye patch, and don't wear a cutless, or port a wooden leg, but I am like a pirate in most other ways (as long as there is no illegality involved.
So I was really excited. And people asked me to help them speak like a pirate. And I taught them such famous pirate-like expressions such as 'marvellous' and 'raft'. Which might not sound very piratey, but when said a piratey way, they are the most piratey like expressions that there are, short of 'oo argh'.
So, today made me happy.