Jun 08, 2005 18:39
Well, not really. But I was seriously freaked out when I turned around the corner to put on a CD and see him walking along, clutching his neck, and choking like crazy. Well, choking with out the noise, like he couldn't breathe. He had swallowed a boiled sweet (hard candy in American english?) and it had stuck in the back of his throat, I think at the entrance to his windpipe. Now, this boiled sweet was rather big, and my brother's osophogusis relatively small. I got him a glass of water. And another. I tried to get him to puke up. I whacked his back. Nothing works. Five minutes later, no change. Now he's just sitting quitely listening to a rather loud CD that I've put on. I think he's okay. Upon asking him if it's still there, he shrugs in a very cute and innocent way, saying 'I don't know. But my tummy hurts now.' Which, if I recall, happened when I was a kid.
Mom's just walked in. I have explained situation. I believe all will be well.