Ok, so this is being written by Brittany and Chris (Mainly Chris). Have you ever felt that you were being watched? That maybe your life was secretly someone else's obsession? Sometimes it turns out to be true! These people
http://friends.portalofevil.com/sp.php?si=3&fi=000030310&ti=1000620307&pi=1000620307 had so little entertainment in their own lives, that they figured why not watch ours!! Well, I welcome all into my life, and I officially say come one come all! They had been watching Brittany's journal, and get this...They were just loving all the grammar errors, and the fact that she can't spell very well...Well guys, I have some bad news, I'd delete my comments if I were you...Do you know why she has troubles spelling? She is dyslexic. Do you know what happens when you harass a dyslexic woman? Shall I go to the lawyer and do 30 individual harassment charges to each of you now? Haha, it makes me laugh hearty. I asked you all to stop. If you wish to continue by saying I'm a balding skinny male after I say that, well you'll have to live with the consequences. I hardly think that my life is exciting enough to be so important in your life. If it is...Get your asses of the computer, turn off the monitor, and GO OUTSIDE, get out, breathe fresh non-house-ventihilated air. Seek a psychiatrist. YOU NEED HELP. You guys replied in precisely 2 minutes....8 months of silence, and you all reply in hordes....IN TWO MINUTES????? Wow.....Seriously...WOW. I can't get over that fact in itself. Now then, enjoy being laughed at by an entire hoard of people. I sure know I will! Hahahaha. You decided to fight with fire. Enjoy the burn. I sure know I'll love watching you all be known for the idiots you are. This is like the news...Woah so intense! And now...On king 5 news...BACK TO YOU FUCKERS!!! Haha, (Bruce Almighty quote).