May 11, 2005 16:03
This is how I feel again/////
It has recently come to my attention that….. I hate people
I don’t understand why people must always put on a show! To me the only way to be real is to be honest with yourself, and if you are mendacious to other people, then you are not being truthful to yourself which means you are not real. Everything that I have ever said about anyone, is what I truly feel. I would never say something that wasn’t embedded deep in my heart. And I guess my problem is that I expect other people to do the same…. Ohhhh Stoopid Nay. How dare I hold other people up to the standards that I hold myself to?!! I am so sorry that I expected more from you, something like the truth would be a good thing. I mean that’s just the way I see it. There are so many people who are here that think they have to lead multiple live. That is not the way to happiness. If you expect to be happy then you must be honest at all times. Do not let other people think that you are something you are not because that just adds extra stress to life.
What gives me the right to talk like this? I dunno. You make up a reason, cus I don’t care, I’ve been holding this in for a long time and its coming out now!!! The hardest people in the world will act like punks just to get their way, when at the same time some of the nicest people will act like straight up BAMFs just to protect themselves. How dare they trick people into thinking one way about them just to change it up on them. Then people don’t understand when they lose friends. What is the problem here!?!!!! There is no way that you can go around treating people like crap and think that they will just forgive you, because you had to act a certain way in front of others. This has gotten me so upset that I am sitting in my room yelling and beating the hell outta my computer. There is no way in the world that you can go around treating people any kinda way, and expect them to be there for you. NO! Get real people. There is no way that you can make somebody forgive and forget all the pain and trauma that they have been dealing with. And you get mad because they refuse to stay in a slump! Get a life if the only thing that you can find to hate about me is the fact that I have the ability to move on, then you need to grow up.
I am so past the stage where I need everyone to love me. And you know what? It feels good. If you have a problem with me then come to me and speak your mind.