Jul 13, 2010 11:08
My handsome hunk is at the vets with Uncle Allan.
Yesterday he wasn't moving his back legs at all, and I'd made an appointment to go to the vets........but then Oliver decided to eat a packet of pills and so we spent the whole day in hospital. Little man is fine, but they wanted to keep him in for 6 hours (after all the A&E time) so when I got home it was 9:00.
I called the vets and he said that there wasn't much he could do overnight other than give him fluids and food, but he was eating and drinking fine, so I kept him here overnight.
Took him first thing to see Allan, and he was a very good boy. When he was on the table he was trying to move his legs....so he's regained some of the movement in them. Allan said it was a very good sign. They're keeping him there today and will monitor him and clean his poor side up. (Eddie kept moving all the bedding I put down, even towels, so was extremely mucky.) He weed all over Allan when he first came in.....I don't think he was very happy......but Ruby is very proud of her cousin!
They're going to give him something to loosen the joints, and to reduce any swelling. If he's no better later then they'll think about steroid injections and possibly an x-ray.
He thinks it is definitely his spine and not EC. ...I don't know if that's good or not. Because his mobility has improved from yesterday it is a really good sign for Eddie.
Auntie Ali