Fur Cut

Apr 21, 2010 20:35

 Turns out I is going for a spray tomorrow.  Buncle Ted say's that they'll cut my fur, and makes me all pretty!  ...prettier...!!  He don't look me in the eye when he says it tho!  It confuzzles me!

Mummy says that ma whore moans have finerly gotten too much.  I don't know what she's talkin about!  I'm VERY restrained!!  I don't spray wee wee in her face, don't do so much as a poop out of the litter tray, don't grunt, don't circle, don't honk, and am not an aggressobun in any way. *sigh*

She says that Teddy has had enough of me, and is peesed off.  I has spring fever...I can't help it!!  *humpity hump!*  You all knows who my daddeh is...it's in the genes.

So...tomorrow I is packing ma bags and going to the v-e-t-s.  Mummy has got me some noms fur when I has ma fur all cut ....and has got Ted his own...so he don't nom mine!!!  Then hopfully I should be home tomorrow evening....but might stay fur a hollyday!  I does not know what to eggspect!  Hopfully it'll be ok!

Rooby xx
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