Jun 19, 2004 21:35
OK... since car is gonna be coming to visit me i want to know what ya'll think... we should go and what we should do... i went to a website and it had a bunch of ideas can u please email me at tinker0bell5babe and let me know which things u think he would wanna do and if u have any extra ideas... thanks ya'll
Play board games
Go to a car show
Go see fireworks
Go to a movie
Go to a concert
Play card games
Go miniature golfing
Go whitewater rafting
Go dancing
Go swimming
Sunbathe together
Run together in the rain
Ride go-carts
Catch fire flies
Go stargazing
Rent a movie
Have a picnic at home
Watch the sunset
Bake cookies together
Go for a sunset walk
Go to an arcade
Park and star watch
Visit a pet store
Visit a city park
Pillow fight
Walk your dog
Go ice skating
Go roller blading
Go for a moonlit walk
Watch TV together
Watch the sunrise
See a midnight movie
Go to a playground
Go to the horse races
Go to an amusement park
Go bowling
Play basketball (1 on 1)
Give each other backrubs
Walk through a mall
Cruise in a convertible
Play bingo
Listen to music