May 17, 2005 20:36
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions
1) why do ya call yerself teddybearracing? I call myself that because well I collect teddy bears(have about 450-500 in all;stuffed and porcelian).Oh and racing, well because I love to go to the car races:)
2) i have family in GA...when i visit some of the locals called me yank ...does that also happen to a person from arizona? No, but now that I have moved back sometimes I find myself saying stuff like Ya'll and people do tease me about that.
and why the move ta GA and then back ta arizona? Well I moved to Ga when I was 17 because I thought I was in love(long story). While I had quite an experience there(another long story) I missed my family here, so my mom flew out and we drove back to AZ on my 20 birthday.
3) give me a good reason to read your LJ? are you open and honest? are your posts vanilla or spicy? or a bit of both? Okay that is easy...I am very honest, sometimes to honest for my own good. I dont really think that my posts are spicy , so I guess I will have to go with the link me to one ya feel is most indictative of you for a new reader like myself. Well I posted a story about my baby brother and I shared quite a few things in that post about myself, but I havent really posted much .......I will in the future I promise. A good reason to read my LJ...well thats up to you, I write what I am feeling at the time and I really try to make it real. Sometimes I do not proof read it and sometimes it is all gummbled up and messy...but feel free to read it if you want to know more about me.
4) favorite food and the restraunt that makes it....Oh boy thats hard.......because I love Mexican food; but I guess a Chicken Melt and La Para Suiza(sp) makes it.
5) favorite cologne (well ya HAD ta know this one was coming ~L~)
My favorite calogne would have to be Drakar(sp) or Cool waters