Jun 22, 2005 09:55
Well lets point out I hate needles. I can give a shot or see a shot given, but I hate needles if it has to do with them putting it in my arm or hand. Guess what and this sucks,,, I need to get the Hep. B shots, the chicken Pox vac.(even though I had chicken pox's bad as a child) and I need a TB test. SO my doctor is going to call me back and schedule those. I really wish the Nursing department told us before hand that we needed the Hep B shots because I couldve already had them done this past year.Oh well, but I have so much that I need to take care of before nursing school starts I think I will have to make a list. Oh and by the way I gave my boss my letter is regisnation yesterday. She wasnt happy.
Have a great day and I will post more later!