eyes yelling at you

Jun 16, 2004 18:45

i got this job that i was hooked up with from school. I loved it for a couple months or weeks. After a while I still loved the work and the schedual but i really started to dislike the people. (ex) my boss and the others. I work my a$$ off all day everyday im never late i never complain about the job im doing. But as of late, The licensed electricians who have been in the trade for like 9 years give me sooo much crap like "god you can't seem to get it together kid" and "man you forgot everything you learned in school" or "you graduated and just gave up didn't you?" and "omg kid im gonna punch you in the face for being so stupid" OK I will level with you... they complain that i am slow all the time and to say the least they are not kid or helpful about it. So i am slow but only when compaired to them (being elecrittians for 8 years or more) but compared to the kids in my school, in my shop im fast and i take the initiative. I mean i have not once gotten a "good job kid" or "good work with that circuit chasing" I did maybe once from a young electricain but he left the job last week so thats over. I hope that they realize that there little "pep!" talks are by no means encouraging or motovational. I need help not F-ing criticism (sp??). Like they bark comands and get pissed if i ask a question then if i just do exactly what it is they tell me they flip because they dont have the patience to explain what they are talking about. so the end all people who have read this in it's entirety thanks for letting me get all that ish off my chest.
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