Jan 08, 2004 02:06
I have a friend who is a dr. she told me about another very achieved dr. who assigns his cancer patients like homework instead of medicine. He tells them to fill a whole notebook things they are mad about but for every thing they write that is negative they are to write in another notebook one thing that they are happy about. So in the end they have filled two notebooks, one with negative things and one with positive things. My friend (the dr.) told me that one person came in to him and was furious that she had payed thousands of dollars to be given a writing asignment and that it wouldnt cure her cancer. This successful dr. just said what other choice do u have? so the patient completed the notebooks and her cancer had gone. I don't have caner i don't think but im gonna do that assignment anyways because i need to be happy with mylife and i need to have a reason why.