Jul 30, 2003 11:57

Dear "Strawberry Shortcake" (you know who you are),

Hey there how are you doing? Remember me Tina? How have you been? Good I hope? Well the reason why I am typing this letter is because I miss our friendship. I dont know about you. But I do. I use to talk to you alot when I went to shool with you and from there I dont know what happen? I think it was because I went to a diffrent school. I am not to sure. I still wonder why we dont talk. We use to be the best of friends. We had our nick names between each other StRaWbErRy ShOrTcAkE & CaReBeAr. We use to write to each other all the time while we were at school. I remember when we first met it was at Ashley L jr guard thing. And then the first day of high school for you I saw you again and went up and talke to you. You were so funny. I miss your laugh. We use to do stupid shit. Well not that stupid. But remember the "BEADS". We made those for our halloween customes. We went as ravers.hahaha. Good times. I was so scared of going on campass like that oh my god. And when we went on there everyone looked at us. hahaha. But who cares. I had fun.

I was going through a box of stuff the other day and I saw your letters and your pictures you gave me. I was laughing at the fake boob picture when you were little. I wanted to call you to see how you were doing but I rememberd you moved. So I dont have it. If I knew where you lived I would come see you. But what I was thinking is that why don't you talk to me. Im not complaning but when I leave you comments in your lj everyone else gets a message back and I dont. Dont get me wrong im not mad or jealous. I just think does she want to talk to me? Does she not want me to talk to her? Did I do something wrong? Maybe its because she has new friends and she doesnt want to deal with the old ones? I dont know I could be wrong. But I just wanted to know what happen between us? I don't know...whatever. If you dont talk to me its cool. But I dont know what I did wrong. I would like to talk to you. But you might be busy. But I just want you to know that i care about you alot as a friend. Your a very cool girl. And you rock. Byeee

Love always and forever,
Tina Marie

tell your mom and everyone i said hi
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