Jul 25, 2003 11:47
alright I just got off the phone with my ex we got into a fight which was fuckig gay. And I kinda started it. And im sorry for that. But he like called me and left me a message on my cell phone and my answer machine saying that im a "dumb slut". I have never been called a slut in my life. Never. Never was a slut never trie to be and not one either. Im just really upset because i've never been called that before. And it just really hurts. It may seem like its not a big deal but it is. How would you feel if you were called a slut? I don't know. I dont want to talk to him or having him call me because im not going to answer. He can get mad at me for all he wants for me now answering the phone. But I called him back saying "why would you fucking call me that. I have never been called that in my life". I don't know. I don't feel like talking.*tear*