Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) Is
vision_ya your best friend? More of a "buddy" thus far.
2) Where did you first meet
violet_arrows? The Devil's Due.
3) What animal does
mamaslilcyborg remind you of? For some bizarre, inexplicable reason, I want to say those squirrels who are always running across the powerlines.
4) What comic book character would
burningpainting be? I think that she'd be a fantastic character on her own.
5) Does
rowenamox go to your school? Nope.
6) Do you have
princeoftarnax's screenname? Nope.
7) What flavor of jello would
burningpainting be? Pineapple.
8) Does
notahawkingbird smoke? Nope.
9) Would you wrestle
billykaplan in jello? *leers* You bet your booties!
10) If
fetandfireworks was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? She is a superhero. She was one of the X-Men!
11) Is
arsenic_oldlace related to
notahawkingbird? I don't think so.
12) What languages does
rowenamox speak? I wouldn't be surprised if she spoke a lot of languages.
13) If
burningpainting were hanging off a cliff, what would
notahawkingbird do? Grab her and pull her up. Duh.
14) What planet should
violet_arrows be from? Earth.
15) Are
arsenic_oldlace and
cute_hats going steady? Nope.
16) Would you set up
violet_arrows and
burningpainting? Hahahahaha. No.
17) If
billykaplan took over the world, who would suffer? Bullies, probably.
18) Are
rowenamox and
arsenic_oldlace married? ...I fear the thought of those two in a room together.
19) Is
notahawkingbird athletic? Oh yes.
20) Is
lt_legacy dead sexy? He's up there. Billy, on the other hand, is utterly heart-stopping.
21) Does
princeoftarnax drink? Not that I'm aware of.
22) Have you ever dated
getaway_man? Nope.
23) Has
vision_ya been to your house/dorm? He stuck his head in my room to see if I wanted to watch horror movies with him and Tommy.
24) Has
violet_arrows dyed their hair? Not that I know of.
25) Where was
cute_hats born? Los Angeles, probably.
26) Where was
mamaslilcyborg born? Not sure, actually.
27) How would
cute_hats conquer the world? ...mind-control hats?
28) Is
staturity a high school student? Not quite yet. Yes she is.
29) What video game does
cute_hats remind you of? One of those with flashy lights and bouncy music.
30) How long would
runawaywitch dating
violet_arrows last? However long it takes for one or both of them to sober up.
It was either this or forward more pictures of fuzzy kittens to the Vision's account.