computer fun

Feb 28, 2004 02:15

i was doing a lot moving around in my room.... makuin it a bit more fittin i dunno.... i was just extremly bored... so yea, i moved my desk over and when i plugged it back in and booted up, i get an error message saying some logon dll is missing, fun fun fun. now if this error occured after i windows loaded, it could be easily fixable but no.... not my luck, it happen beofre it loads, even in safe mode i was screwed. so after my initial freakout phase, i remember i can do something. caourse the 1st idea was the best and easist and the only one i wanted to avoid. wipe the HD and reinstall the opersting sustem. but i have inportant works i'm workin on and i also have pics of people that are irriplacable even if they don't wanna talk to me. the friends not the pictures... i'm weird but aint crazy.. anywho, i had to try an find another HD so i can transfer said preicous files and then wipe the hardrive... only thing i could find was an old 800 MB hd thats so freakin old it barely worked and i know cause i tried... but while tryin i remembered a process to reapir just the damaged windows files while leaving my files in peice.... bascically takin step 2 from the 4 step installation process for my computer... and in the end i'm here now with a workin room and a messy computer... i'm gonna leave that sentence the way it is cause i'm tired it it works both ways around ike that.

i was invited to the devils game with a couple of friends tonite but had to pass since i couldn't afford the ticket. course devils lost 3-2 but i hear it was a kickass game, literally, for account of all the fights. i was also supposed to stop by this magic tournament over hear... the comic shop i goto has Mgic tournaments every friday night now... i was thinkin of stoppin in and checkin out the compitation. but i was a bit sidetracked with my family and stuff.... i'll check it out next week...
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