Jul 12, 2010 17:40
So back to work today, it was good to be back, but was exceptionally busy, busy to the point of insanity really.
The phones wouldn't stop ringing, and one sneaky problem after another kept rolling in. So i spent most of my day trying to read one or two thousand peices of vital information, a phone up against ear, websites being flicked through to gain info for events being put on tommorrow, an admin worker who was stressed out of her mind because she was making flyers (flyers for god sake) and people occassionally just dropping by for a chat and a catch up cause of course the first day back after holidays is never busy, particularly at 3.45pm in the afternoon when your trying to leave for the day... GAGGGHHHH.
But at least nothing was too monumentally wrong, tommorrow looks to be busy again, with a diabetes education talk and lunch we are putting on ( i shook my head at myself as i traweled through the joy of safeway after school hours, to buy all the ingrediants for said lunch i have to prepare). a few thousand problems to solve, a finance officer in for the first time in a month, and an all exciting DEEWR audit to complete and funding agreement to sign, which i need to go through with the old manager as apparently they have changed some stuff ( i unfortunately don't know what that stuff is) so a small day...
But you know at least i'm busy, no time to sit around twidling my thumbs at least :D