Aug 15, 2009 11:17
so things are going on well,
Have moved permanently upto Kallista where the air is fresh and the birds wake me in the mornings with their chirpy goodness. Ishtar is still a bit freaked out, probably all that bizare fresh air minus pollutants.
Today i plan to get stuck into the garden went to the local nurserie and got some herbs and lettuce and asian vegetable seedlings (spent way too much money) but a garden really needs herbs and as i'm going to eat the none perenial ones and the rest will keep going for ever i'm feeling justified in spending the cash.
also I know i'm getting my tax return next week and it will more than cover it.
Feeling happy, typing at Belgrave Library which i have just joined, it is lovely by the way, big floor to ceiling windows lots of books (happy sigh)
Trying to find out who i can get broadband through where i live, unfortunately i'm on the Ferny creek exchange and not the belgrave exchange grrrrr. not sure if anyone will be providing me with ADSL 2 goodness or i'll be relegated to simple oldschool ADSL broadband. But it progresses.
one of my other problems is I do not want to fork out for a god damn phone line, i just want to use VOIP, restricting my choices more and more, and personally i'd prefer to hack off my left leg than go through Telestra. hmmmmmm
Anyhow looking forward to loki's party tonight, bar the drive but hugs to all, will post again hopefully next time from my own house :)
You really notice it when you don't have interwebs and your used to it, quite strange.
Love and hugs to all