Jun 30, 2008 01:10
Heya all!
Been a while since I posted, yadda yadda - point is, you should all see WALL-E, 'cuz it's awesome. Seriously, this thing is like joy on celluloid; an utterly deep, enjoyable, happy, and damn funny movie. Probably one of Pixar's best, and currently vying in my heart of hearts with The Incredibles for my favorite film out of that incredible studio of theirs. It's adorable and fun, and a sheer triumph in terms of graphics, animation, and storytelling. Makes me feel lucky to live in an age where these sorts of visual wonders are available for all to see.
On the job front, things are proceeding as usual - no real major updates there. Work is going well, I'm makin' videogames and enjoying it immensely, and the project's going swimmingly. I think it's going to be something really special once all is said and done.
As for recreation, I tried mountain biking on a "beginner" course last weekend. It was highly painful, and though I figured my biking to work every day for the better part of a year would've helped, I should have realized that that sort of thing is accomplished on paved roads with - and this is the important part - no incline whatsoever. Florida roads - completely level. And sane. Contrast this with the mountain biking course we went on at a local park, which had towering hills with murder in their hearts, trees with sprawling root systems that lashed out to catch you and send you spinning end over end into magma sand, and microscopic trails with cruel drops into raging rapids or dense thorn-covered rock bushes on either side.
Needless to say, it was a harrowing experience of spiraling doom, but I made it out through the other end only slightly scathed. All in all, I'm glad I did it (and lived), though I'm not sure how keen I'd be to do it on a regular basis. Especially with my poor bicycle. That thing was not made for the brutal thrashing I put it through, and I think it responded in kind with many well-placed jabs and slams to my body's weak point (it's the crotch, for those of you who haven't read the strategy guide). Perhaps with a more capable bike and cyborg legs, I will be more capable to endure such an endeavor.
In any case, that's my quick update for the evening (and the past few weeks/months). Nothin' too earth-shattering going on, but I thought it'd be nice to let you all know that I haven't yet fallen off the face o' the Earth (came close a couple of times on that trail, though)! I hope all is going well for you, and as always, I wish you good times!