Merry Christm- *hack* *cough*

Dec 26, 2006 14:34

Well, vacation continues to be non-eventful and relaxing, which is a good thing. Unfortunately, fate decided to give me a special Christmas present in order to spice things up. That's right - on Christmas Eve, I woke up with the Cold from Hell. Y'know what, fate? This is not funny. Grow up.

This illness is actually quite impressive. It's kinda like the holiday sampler basket of infection, with a sore throat that lasts n' lasts! Seriously - you know how most colds begin with a sore throat that just peters out and leads into other symptoms? Not this sucker! As for the rest of the thing, it seems content to just hang around forever - I can tell already that this'll be one of those "slow burns" that won't leave your system for days and will eventually turn you into a horrible zombie. Or maybe it'll go away eventually. There's always hope!

Also, perhaps calling the cold a "sampler basket" was a bit misleading. In reality, it's more of a "greatest hits" compilation of woe. We've got your everlasting sore throat, angry coughing, stomach unhappiness, phlegm... this baby's got it all! Definitely a high-quality illness. At least we know fate doesn't skimp when it comes to gifts.

Anyway, I hope you are all enjoying a happy holiday season, and remaining free from infectious disease!
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