(no subject)

Jun 09, 2006 00:18

have you ever just done somthing nice for somone

well you kno i do shit like that all the time

and i have been

i friends with everyone pretty much

makes shit so hard to do stuff when you have people who hate each other

people who are sitting in other people houses looking for somwhere to party

people who have faught others for stupid shit

people who talk all the shit in the world and when you tell them there gonna get there ass beat one day and there response is no way roger has my back

well you all make it hard for yourselfs to go find things to do you cant go one place with out wanting to fight somone or hating somone
others dont like certain people and wont let some in to a house but others can
its the stupid shit like this that you people are complaining about constantly
money(wont get a job)
partying(go and start fights)
stuff to do(you can only do things when certain people are doing it cause you wont get along with others)
things like that

did you ever think of what would happen if you havnt started that shit
you could go to that party have fun
you could go do that even tho all your other friends are somwhere else

what would that be like to you just think


it can even be like the simplest of things that just might set somone off all over sombody not tell them to do somthing
like the times i think im being nice and running across town for adams grandma and shit it still back fires on me
you know its wierd to think how somone that talks to so many different people usually can always find some sort of thing to do and enjoy himself still deals with the stupidest of shit

you always have your true friends the ones that are there no matter what sets you off
then you have the friends that are there when they need somthing
then theres the ones who you thought were good friends and they do things like not ever call you to do stuff and when you call them no one will awnser there phone cause you kno somone that is alreaady there has somthing they dont like in that person
and they tell others stuff and the story grows and gets added to
well i'd rather have you pick up the phone and tell me hey ya we are hear and dont want you to come if im ever put in that position no lie (then at least that person can go find somthing else to do other then looking for who he or she thought was there good friends)

and this all circles right back around to what if you hadnt said that or faught him what if you just were peacful had fun and got around stupid shit instead of blowing up
o and PS partyin isnt suppost to be a big fight
its not about dealing with that person
its there cause people are more chill and enjoy themselfs HAVE FUN IF YOU KNO WHAT THAT MEANS

but ya i dont kno if it makes sense i dont really care
if you have read it this far you eathier saw hey ive done this and are probibly mad
which wasnt suppost to happen i wanted you to think about it
or if you made it this far and understood it your smarter then i am

have a great night peace
sorry if it offended you if it did leave me a message or somthing saying it did
and the actions you are thinking of taking then at least ill kno and can explain myself or
can deal with what ever it is you people want this time

see you all tom. later

jonny if you read this call me when you get out of work tom. i dont care how tired you are you are doing somthing hahah
between me and drew at work we can find somthing going on or think of somthing by night hahah

on the life side of this thing um
shit is going pretty well other then being sick of being treated like shit to the smallest extent specially to people ive helped out all i could
um school is out
hopfully can start riding agian more often
working probibly as much as possible
lots of grad. parties im suppost to go to
and ya give me a call i guess if your down for doing somthing or leave your number ill get ahold of you at sompoint no matter how long its been since i last saw you or talked to you i manage to be around everwhere all the time

all right all you have a great night later
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