Very exciting news today!
Our local MP has had to resign and has been de-selected as a candidate for the election! Bascially, Tory MP and Deputy Party Chairman Howard Flight told other MPs at a meeting that the Tories were actually lying about their election pledges and would be making a load of cuts in public spending. He thought this was completely off the record, actually someone was secretly recording the whole speech and sold it to the press! I am so thrilled; Howard Flight has been the MP for the constituancy where my parents live (and where I am registered to vote) for about a million years and I really don't like him. The problem is, Arundel and the South Downs is a safe Tory seat - no other party had a chance. Until now. The local Tory party has to find a new candidate in 10 days. Flight will run as an independent candidate. This will split the vote and our lovely Lib Dem candidate Derek Deedman who's been a local councillor for years and done loads of useful things will get in. Yay! Go Derek!