A while back I spent about 12 hours, total, working on my next-door-neighbor's computer for her, gratis. She'd managed to b0rk it all to Hell and back by being 'net-stupid.
Long story short, while I was there at one point, I asked for a drink, or a snack or something. You'd think, what with me doing roughly $600 worth of work for her, for free, she wouldn't begrudge me this. However, later I heard from mutual friends that she was bitching to them that I owed her money/replacement for what I had consumed one day (I think it may have been an apple, or a sandwich or something?).
Not only that, the next time she asked me to take a look at it, not only did I stupidly agree to do so, I quickly found that she'd reinstalled the program I'd uninstalled (which had, in turn, either directly or indirectly caused a metric crapton of spyware/malware/etc. to be installed on her system), and the problem was just as bad as before. That sealed it. I don't even glance in the direction of her computer anymore.
I think my answer to the poll is simply: the ignorant and ungrateful.
Long story short, while I was there at one point, I asked for a drink, or a snack or something. You'd think, what with me doing roughly $600 worth of work for her, for free, she wouldn't begrudge me this. However, later I heard from mutual friends that she was bitching to them that I owed her money/replacement for what I had consumed one day (I think it may have been an apple, or a sandwich or something?).
Not only that, the next time she asked me to take a look at it, not only did I stupidly agree to do so, I quickly found that she'd reinstalled the program I'd uninstalled (which had, in turn, either directly or indirectly caused a metric crapton of spyware/malware/etc. to be installed on her system), and the problem was just as bad as before. That sealed it. I don't even glance in the direction of her computer anymore.
I think my answer to the poll is simply: the ignorant and ungrateful.
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