(no subject)

Jan 29, 2013 15:27

I've been nudged by lakmekapay to actually write something here, since it's been about two years since I last posted.

So, yeah. I'm still alive, still in Philadelphia. I find I kind of like it here, and am getting settled into the various and sundry communities.

For the past two years, I've been working for a public policy and technology company. During most of that time, I was working on a bunch of idiosyncratic projects: large-scale urban farming; community health worker initiatives; random state and municipal financial analysis; tax modeling; and an assortment of other tasks that I can't quite remember at the moment. In short, the work was fairly chaotic, and I had to go from zero to expert sometimes in hours.

A few months ago, my position shifted, and my job title is now "Research Associate/Software Engineer". The research I mentioned in the previous paragraph is taking less of my time, and it's been replaced by writing code for our company's main product/project. It's the first job I've had where my coding is the main aspect of the work (as opposed to writing code to help me do something else), and the first job where I've had to deal with software engineering issues. It's a fairly interesting gig, and it's requiring me to learn and relearn things that I've just sort of fudged around before.

Not sure what else to say, because it's been so long since posting anywhere.
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