Nov 06, 2003 09:03
Some woman wants me to sketch her wedding portrait. I don't really want to, but she's paying me to do it, and she's offering to pay for any supplies I need to do it so of course I'm doing it. (Heh, I need a job.) The only problem is, I don't know or remember the names of anything, so basically my list of needed supplies looks like this:
Wedding picture (:P)
HB art pencil thingies
Smudgy tooly papery thingy
Big easel-y (but not easel-y...I have no fucking idea what it's called and I don't know how to describe it) sketchy thingy
Squishy-bendy eraser thingy
Honey eraser (the only thing I remember :P)
So uhh..yeah. She should have fun with that list *cough*.
I'm so god damn bored during the week now. o_o All I do is sit at home watching the Science Channel all day and drawing random objects in the household. (I drew the cover of my Ever After tape the other day which I WOULD scan if I had a fucking computer to scan it onto.) Thanks to my boredom, I now know how radio waves in the '70s unearthed energy waves in outer space which is proof of the big bang theory or something similar to it, how an AIDS vaccination is underway and should be expected within the next ten years (and why some women are immune to it), how and why the box jellyfish is one of the most deadly sea creatures in the world, the birth of astronomy and how it goes hand-in-hand with astrology, and other fun things. YAY SCIENCE o.o Actually, because I'm a dork, I find it interesting, I just feel really stupid sitting there all day watching the fucking Science Channel. I could be doing something *gasp* productive, afterall. (Because, you know, wasting the afternoon on is SO much more enlightening and enthralling than the amazing cycle of polar bear hibernation.)
Uhh..I actually DID do stuff on Tuesday, because we had the day off. I went up to Aly's house. Aly's pretty boring though. Her brother's better. :P He's more amusing. We watched "Finding Nemo" (which was a pretty good movie, but I liked "Ice Age" better) and he...uh...sat on me. (And he weighs 200+ lbs.) That was interesting. I almost lost feeling in my legs, but that's A-OK! Later on we had girl-slap competitions. He's a better girl-slapper than I am. That makes me sad. :(
My mom's being a whore about the computer. She keeps talking about getting it fixed but I'm pretty positive it was the fan breaking down that caused the computer to overheat (because what else could explain why the computer was so hot when I touched it, why it smelled afterwards, and why for a while before it died it made this weird grinding noise?), and if I'm right, then the computer isn't salvageable, and WE NEED A FUCKING NEW ONE. But no, stupid whore's always right. Blah.
Anyway, the mod is about to end, and I'm stupid, so the end.