Florida Democrats, UNITE!

Jan 30, 2008 13:01

It's been a while since I've updated, but I'm finally fired up enough about something to write again.

I saw the results of the Florida Democratic primary, and I was dismayed.

Not by Clinton "winning." but by the sheer number of voters who voted in it. Democrat voters did themselves a great disservice by justifying the DNC's action of stripping Florida of its delegates by voting in the primary anyway.

If I still lived in Florida, I'd have fought for this:

Democratic voters should have avoided the polls entirely. Not a single dem voter should have voted in the primary. If there were other ballot issues to vote on, then FL voters should have run a write-in "None Of The Above" campaign for the Democratic primary. The results reported to news agencies should have shown not a single vote for ANY of the Democratic primary candidates. None of them.

And then FL voters should have all signed their names to an open letter to the Democratic National Committee:
"Dear DNC Leaders.
"We demand a formal apology for your unconstitutional treatment of your constituents in the state of Florida. Unless the DNC makes a formal apology and finds some way to make the votes of Florida Democrat voters COUNT, the results of this election -- with not a single Democratic vote cast for a Democratic candidate -- will be repeated when the actual Presidential election comes around in November. And the Democratic candidate will lose Florida... a state the could mean the difference between winning and losing.
"You wanted to play games. You punished the voters for something over which they had no control, stripping us of our right to vote for our representatives in federal government because the Florida State Election committee changed a date."

(optional: "Grow up, you're acting like foot-stomping, tantrum-throwing toddlers.")

"Thank you."

Bah. What a sham of Democracy.
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