Nov 01, 2006 11:36
On the ongoing topic of gay marriage, etc. I bring you another post from Gene Weingarten, forwarded from Dave Scocca (whomever that is, I Could google it but don't want to).
Gene Weingarten: And continuing with today's all-Scocca theme, this is from Tom's brother Dave, who offers two excellent points...:
On gay rights/civil rights. Here's the thing -- when people say "being gay is a CHOICE", we need to remember that RELIGION is a choice. If you're going to argue that a "chosen" trait is inherently undeserving of civil rights protection, then even if the jury is still out on sexual orientation it's clear that religious discrimination should logically be allowed.
Conversely, if you believe that religious discrimination is a violation of civil rights, you have already accepted that a "choice" can define a protected classification just as much as an innate characteristic.
Brilliant. Simply brilliant.