Feb 28, 2006 21:17
I've thought about this a bit, and I can now say: I am against "gay marriage".
Bear with me. READ before you react.
I am not against the social equality that the phrase attempts to stand for. I'm not against homosexual men or women being allowed to marry. My objection in to the concepts and insinuations inherently implied by calling it "gay marriage".
A corollary:
Think about the term "white trash". This term is inherently racist.
Got it yet? No? Well here it is, borrowed from popular humor writer Gene Weingarten:
"[The term 'white trash'] not-so-subtly suggests that there are three kinds of people: classy white people, white trash, and black trash. Otherwise why specify 'white'?... Why turn it racial?"
Likewise, I see "gay marriage" the same way: it implies that it is somehow different from just plain run-of-the-mill marriage. It CREATES the separation and division that I believe the GLBT community is trying to erase. No?
So... food for thought.
- A