THE FIRST HEROES PORNATHON BEGINSTo play, all you need to do is pick a prompt from below (any prompt, even if it's your own) and write the porniest bit of fiction you can, or make the hottest manip or painting. That's all folks - just one bit of steamy, panty-wetting porn. Make it as kinky or as subtle as you like, but make it hot, melt your
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But Peter... Peter inspires a different sort of belief. Peter inspires belief in the overwhelming power of faith, in the value of hope. Peter inspires a belief in Peter even if Mohinder isn't quite convinced that he really is one of the newly evolved.
Mohinder gains a renewed belief in the power of physical chemistry the first time Peter kisses him, taking his face in his shaking hands and pressing nervous pink lips to his darker ones. Mohinder tastes coffee in Peter's mouth and something sweet and desperate that doesnt come from food.
He believes in in destiny as they crash against a wall and stumble to the bed his father slept on in the months before his death. He cant help but believe that all roads have lead him to Peter as he pulls his new lover's shirt off over his head and flings it across the room. He believes in all the cliches as he explores pale white skin with his lips and tongue and fingers. He believes in love when Peter stares up at him from beneath and around him, his finger's laced tightly through Mohinder's. He believes in beauty when his lover calls his name and comes in his arms with eyes wide open and awestruck.
Its not until Mohinder watches helpless as a Syler tears Peter's skull off in Texas that his belief is tested. It's not until he's holding his dying lover in his arms that he feels his belief falter. At that moment, all Mohinder believes in is fear and hate and pain as he feels life leave the man who gave him everything he'd ever looked for with the cheerleader crying beside him, as lost and unable to understand same as he is. In those horrible moments, he learns to believe in Peter's power as he watches him heal, like magic, like a gift from God Himself.
And in that moment Mohinder no longer believes. He knows. Anything is possible.
And then it was SAD. There's no crying dying in baseball! porn! :D
How you managed to fit plot AND porn AND dying into 4300 characters is beyond me, but kudos. A big thumbs up from this section. :)
[flails] Was not expecting death!
At any rate, beautifully done introspective-y thing.
He believes in beauty when his lover calls his name and comes in his arms with eyes wide open and awestruck.
Such a pretty image!
Glad it turned around at the end though and Mohinder finally believed Peter had powers, too.
Whew! Peter and Mohinder can be happy now!
And in that moment Mohinder no longer believes. He knows. Anything is possible.
Oh thank gods. *clings to this* Hot and sad and poignant and... *whimpers* Really good, and angsty.
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