State of the PCs | Stronghold | Jan-Feb 13

Feb 11, 2013 14:18

State of the Me
silensy and I are moving to Boulder end of this month, the beginning of next. The combination of packing-anxiety and excitement aren’t kind to my brain, so I’m flailing away at trying to get logs finished up, plots finished up, and balance the urge to TAKE ALL THE LOGS FOR DISTRACTION.

State of the Plots
Metal Hurlant
Cessily Kincaid’s entrance plot, taking place over in the US, dealing with the continuation of the Hounds program after Lorna’s defection, and the stepping up of tension between the US and the Indian tribes involved in running mutants with NAMUR. Two loglets, a log, and two newsposts from being done. Hoping to finish it and post it before the move.

Upon Reflection
Neal Shaara and Sarah Ryall’s entrance plot-novel, taking place largely in Genosha, dealing with Genoshan ‘recruitment’ and WHO’s espionage in Genosha. Neal and Sarah are starting to move toward Muir. Following Sarah’s less than excellent adventure with Stryfe and Miranda, and some logs with Dani and Nate, Pete and Neal, they’ll be bailing on Genosha, spending a month at WHO, and arriving at Muir too late to help find Scott and Carol, but ready to help the war effort. Hoping to have their departure finished before the move. The WHO stuff will take place after.

Parliament of Ghosts
A murder mystery plot involving Sabine, Jess, Billy, Teddy, Jake, Kevin, and Frank in London. It won’t have any impact on the game at large other than the creation of a bizarre cohort for magic related noir shenanigans in the future (along with M-A and Shinobi and Nina of course). Not started yet. Waiting on Cora’s settling in, Lauren and Allie’s move. Probably not to post til May.

The Only Truth
An apparent lark involving Warren, Lorna, and Alex that reveals what happened to Moreau and Cameron Hodge. Waiting on Sil and Allie’s move. Probably not to post til May-June.

Other plots/plotlets
Jacob Mnemonic (Vanessa & Charles, socking), probably to wrap my part this month before the move; Janissaries (Miranda sock, Warren and Clarice extraction), probably to wrap before the move or shortly after; second shipyard plot and various offscreen missions, to log as needed; Escort-quest: Dani, Lorna, Illyana and Sabine following the offscreen mission, whenever that happens. Team Adorable Badass: Laynia, Nate, Clarice, and Bobby being awesome. Genoshans helping without meaning to, sort of.

Warren Worthington
Coping as well as possible with Scott and Carol’s absence, unsure of his abilities as a leader, looking into the reinvention of Jean-Paul, continuing to do music-related things for Laynia and Alison as suits their players, sleeping with Moira.
Janissaries, The Only Truth, still working on figuring out who the hell he is in this world and the healing stuff, dealing with Cameron Hodge. Possible plot with JP.

Clarice Ferguson
Stepping up to fill the gap left by Scott. Growing up from Belldandy to Dejah Thoris; she’ll always be the slightly odd alien princess type, but she’s becoming more solid, more present by the day.
Exhaustion from mission-running. Pete getting tortured and her Not Liking That, possibly being exceptionally murderous. Relationship consequences (largely positive ones). More responsibility.
Far Future:
The Negative Zone. Age of Apocalypse. Helping Yana get Limbo back?

Dani Moonstar
Bonding with Lorna and Illyana. Also Thor. Warning Sarah about Stryfe and helping Nate with recruitment, there. Supporting Tess and Nathan. Making up with John, more. Fighting with Bobby because he’s a hypocritical overprotective jackass and she’s scared of losing him.
Metal Hurlant. Escort-quest. Adventures with Lorna, Yana, Kayla, John, maybe Fantomex. Teaching Em, Sarah, Sabine, beefing up her physical fighting abilities. Probable consequences to Mariana and Luz from Metal Hurlant or Janissaries.
Far Future:
Still working on that whole Valkyrie thing, because it amuses me and a girl needs a flying horse. Helping Yana get Limbo back?

Sabine Manon Liu
Trying not to fall in love with Shinobi, because that would be idiotic. Being with him anyway. Making friends with Jake, Frank, Kevin. Hanging out with the cousin and getting some training from Dani. Helping look for Scott and Carol.
Parliament of Ghosts, possible training with Jean, Nate, and Nina, more time with Shinobi and possibly blog-flirting with Jake, gifts from Frank. Escort-quest with Lorna, Dani, and maybe Yana. Being especially terrifying and Nathan and Alex finding out about it. Consequences of that. Befriending Sarah and probably Carol if she can get over that whole pesky ‘but you should be dead’ thing. Needs female friends, omg. Avoiding being a team player as much as possible.
Genoshans coming after her and M-A. M-A’s families enemies coming after M-A. Getting captured and ‘going evil’ for awhile, because ghost-terrorism’s kind of awesome. Smacking down a necromancer for raising a ghost, maybe related to Shinobi somehow. More noir shenanigans.

Neal Shaara
In Genosha, working on turning Sarah Ryall (Scanner) as an asset. Slowly succeeding and working on getting her to safety. Backdated, plot points related to that. Present dated, plot points related to her adventures with Stryfe and his log with Pete/WHO.
Fleeing Genosha. Arrival at Muir. (Possible partnership with Pete). Shaking off the ick from having been forced to play a loyal Genoshan for so long. Debating the whole team thing and offensive use of his powers. Making some friends, hopefully.
Consequences from Genosha. Especially Shakti, dealing with her family. Spy type stuff. Sentinels stuff with Shinobi, possibly.

NPC: Vanessa/Miranda
Being one of the big triggers on Jake getting stuck as a girl in Jacob Mnemonic.
Torturing Scott and Carol, while unbeknownst to her or them, actually helping them somewhat. Also dividing Stryfe from the Canaanites and encouraging him to bond with her.
Stay with Stryfe indefinitely, encouraging him becoming Chaosbringer and splitting off from the Canaanites.


state of the pcs: stronghold

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