I do not think those words mean what you think they mean

Jul 22, 2011 16:21

Short porn. Yeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh. Sure it's going to be a short pornish interlude in the Damascus fic and I'll be done in a few days. Mmmmhmmm.

15,000 words later and still no porn. Honestly, considering there's about six people in the fandom who have any interest in Will, I'm not sure why I keep writing. Except that I need to finish ( Read more... )

fic: 2011, snippets, sanctuary

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Comments 15

windandthestars July 23 2011, 00:43:28 UTC
I think there are six people in this fandom that LOVE Will there are other people who like him, they're just good at hiding it ;)

15K.... .... .... .... I never read fic that long and yet... all your fault. At least you're nice and wait till you're done to post it; WIPs drive me batty.

I really <3 your words. I know I keep saying that but it's true. So much love.


technosage July 23 2011, 01:27:54 UTC
LOL. I think there really have to be more than six of us who love him, but w/e, I honestly don't care that much. I'm just in one of those vaguely whiny moods where EVERYONE is not online because of Comic Con and Fridayness and I don't even really owe any RP tags. It's my day off and I should be glad for having the whole day to write but I'm being sulky about it. Which is dumb. But you know how it is. You want to do it when you want to, not because you have nothing else to do ( ... )


windandthestars July 23 2011, 01:33:02 UTC
I'm having similar issues. I'm hot and bored out of my mind. I have fic due tomorrow and even that's not making me want to do something.

I rewatched SFA the other day and I have to say I'd forgotten how epic and shrinky brained and snarky Will can be.


technosage July 23 2011, 01:42:47 UTC
What's the fic that's due? I can cheerlead if need be. At least I can do something useful.


sheikah July 23 2011, 10:38:54 UTC
sob i fell asleep at 6:30 and even after 12 hours of sleep i think i want to go back to bed.


technosage July 23 2011, 14:35:20 UTC
Yes, but you're all awake and tagging pretty tags and posting things and energetic and I wrote 4924 words yesterday, got Will through his affair with Zvi and two stops from home. So, it's all good.


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