Prompt me? - Seconds

Nov 23, 2010 13:06

All right. I'm serious now. I've got to get my writing mojo on by the end of the month. So, here it is.

Every day for the next week at least, sick, well, busy or otherwise, I will write at least 500 words of non-RP related fan fic.

But for anyone who's still bothering to read this, I need your help. A couple of years ago, I did a meme where I wrote firsts. First kisses, first blow jobs, first fights, whatever. This time, I'm writing seconds. Second meeting, second kiss, second date, second anything you like.

No promises that I'll write your prompt, but if I love it, I'll try!

Fandoms: RPS (mostly CW), Break Loose Ranch, Leverage, Supernatural, Torchwood (not Children of Earth), Vampire Diaries, Human Target, Burn Notice, White Collar, CSI (Vegas, New York), NCIS (reg & LA), Criminal Minds, Sanctuary, Stargate (1, Atlantis, movies), DCU (Bats mainly), Marvel (er, canonish?), Sherlock, Buffy, Angel, Merlin, crossovers, mmm otherwise if I've written before or you know I know it, feel free.

Pairing or more
Second what?
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