Deeper Wonderment: Of smiles and other contrivancesVerse/Fandom: Deeper Wonderment: DCU/Batman Begins/Smallville/Potterverse
Pairing: Bruce/Oliver
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 1109
Summary: Bruce no longer remembers how to accept affection or give it, and perhaps never knew how to speak it. Yet, he feels he must, somehow, make certain that Oliver knows how he feels.
Chronology: Sixth and seventh year.
Written for
60_minute_fics. Go to
their info page for more, yes, info. Trigger #3, Prove my Love: Ah, sweet, sweet love... Ain't it grand? Maybe not so much if the person you're in love with happens to enjoy making your life difficult. Tell me, how far would YOU (or your favorite fandom character) go to prove to that special someone how utterly smitten and devoted you/they truly are? Tell us all about it. Give us pain, shame, embarrassment, and humiliation. Spill your guts. Omit nothing.
It took a turn from the prompt, but considering this is Bruce, well, it's probably as ridiculous as buying an airplane banner for someone else.