svmadelyn wins the internets and a made-up meme

Jan 23, 2007 18:59

♥ Y'all, svmadelyn wins the internets. Forreals. She runs undermistletoe singlehandedly, is super-organized, and every time I turn around the woman is doing something fabulous for fandom. ♥

She's at it again. This time it's a Valentine's Day anon-love gamesetmatch something. Basically, pick up to 14 people on LJ, say something nice about them in an email, and send it to ( Read more... )

fic_january, fic, schmoop meme

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chocolaticida January 24 2007, 02:55:14 UTC
canon Bruce/Dick, when Bruce first realized Dick was no longer a child.

You don't really have to do it, hey, and I hope your day gets a lot better anyway :D


technosage January 25 2007, 23:12:16 UTC
Thank you. Day got better, mos def, and the schmoop helped!
In some ways, Dick had never been a child. He'd been born to the spotlight, and with that came a mature perspective on other humans that few rarely had. He understood what people wanted to see, and worked to give it to them, and understood better than most that people don't want truth. They want all encompassing illusions that make life prettier, easier, perceptively better even if not in actuality ( ... )


chocolaticida January 25 2007, 23:52:06 UTC
Holy schmoop!!<3

Sorry. Can't say anything really coherent. You've let me stuck in 'Awwwwwww'. This. Awwwww. Just.
Too cute. As Batfic can be cute, of course, and, heh... Bruce, you big softy! Dick, you, you... just. Damn. Aww?
*shakes head in shame*

I'm really, really glad that you're ok now, hon' :)
(If you ever want schmoopy drabbles of the same fandoms you know, just ask ;) But be prepared for some linguistic atrocities! xD Just saying :P)


technosage January 26 2007, 00:01:31 UTC
I know, funny, right? Bat is a sociopath, Bruce is practically a Romantic poet. *hands* And Dick? Dick... *shakes head* Yes.

Dick. *happy sigh*

Also? *facepalm* This could not be schmoopier.

Thank you for the prompt, and the offer. I never turn down free schmoop. Ever! Hee. Comment-schmoop is ALWAYS welcome. *hugs*


chocolaticida January 26 2007, 00:21:07 UTC
But the fun part comes when you realize both Bat and man are so deeply in love with this child who is not really a child... *sighs* and none of them *knows* how to deal with it. So they don't. Cowards *shakes fist* Poor, poor Dick. So in love and so unloved *sighs more*

(The more I think the more I find that Batman is a soap opera made comic. I mean, you have the orphan, the old sage, the sexy sassy girl, the sexy brainy one, lost babies, the drama...)

Heeeh, give me a prompt or a pairing and I'll write you something :DD (Supernatural, RPS, batfic, Heroes, etc ^^ [probably 100 words things, so you can ask for more than one :3])


technosage January 26 2007, 00:34:22 UTC
Awww. I think Bruce loves Dick deeply, very much in love, he can't say the words because they have power. And if he says he loves Dick then Dick will die. Not rational, but Bruce inside-deep is eight, alone, and scared. Dick touches too close on that and the little bit of distance he makes for himself means he can have Dick in his life. Dick understands, mostly, though some days he wishes Bruce would say I love you instead of what were you thinking? when he comes home safe from danger. But he knows what Bruce means, he really does.

*hands* I Bat!ramble, ask drvsilla. Hee.

And, oh yes, Gotham Knights especially is a soap opera. Fabulous. *g*

Heroes, Mohinder/Peter, first deliberate interested touch
SPN, Sam/Dean, first ever not brotherly kiss
DCU, Bruce/Dick, first time Dick realized Bruce meant I love you when he said something else

You don't have to do them all, really, but those would be happy schmoop for a workday.


chocolaticida January 26 2007, 01:42:45 UTC

...when he comes home safe from danger.
I just was thinking... that's kind of domesticity there, isn't? They do their job, and they go back home. And home means rest, and peace, and love. Home means family, and in Bruce's mind family dies. And that explains to me somehow why Dick ended up living in Budhaven, when all Batman *and* Bruce wanted was to keep him close and safe.
(Like Sam to Dean... and I'll shut up now).

Ohm, ramble all you want, pretty *g*! I like rambling :P

Gotham Knights is closeted schmoop *nods* totally.

Heh, I already went over 100 words on one of them, but I'll try to make the three... I don't have anything better to do anyway xDDDD


technosage February 13 2007, 07:35:53 UTC
(did you post these and I missed them? you should kick me if you did. *g*)


chocolaticida February 13 2007, 09:25:24 UTC
Oh, noes. I did wrote them but... they're awful, really. My english needs serious revising :o(

Uhm, but I feel bad for offering them so, ok, see for yourself:

Heroes, Mohinder/Peter, first deliberate interested touch (100 words)

The first touch is accidental. Mohinder is talking and Peter's the one who's closer. When he points to the bookshelf, his hand strokes Peter face, inadvertently.

(Although he is slightly disturbed by the softness of his skin, and Peter blushing up to his ears is not really comforting. It makes him feel overly embarrassed.)

-I'm sorry.
-No, it's ok.

Then Peter sits next to him when Nathan starts ranting, and their bare arms are close enough that with one small not-so-unintentional movement they are touching. The room suddenly feels warmer, claustrophobically so.

The smile Peter gives him really doesn't help.

SPN, Sam/Dean, first ever not brotherly kiss (188 words. Heee, I just fixed it and the result is not so awful :D)They are tired. Sleep deprived. But there's a house. There's ectoplasmatic ( ... )


technosage March 8 2007, 05:35:54 UTC
*claps* I love these. Thank you so much!

I especially like Sam and Dean kissing like they have something to prove. Fabulous, and very true.

And I do like the first, accidental, inadvertent touch. Lovely.

Thanks again, honey, much appreciated!


chocolaticida March 8 2007, 05:46:59 UTC
You don't know how glad I am that you liked them \o/ *huggles* And... I'd write more but I'm falling sleep. So. Yay for boys kissing and touching!<3


technosage January 25 2007, 23:58:14 UTC
*facepalm* I really should proofread before I post, eh?

*wasn't instead of isn't

And the "Later still" should be a separate paragraph. *SIGH*


chocolaticida January 26 2007, 00:25:18 UTC
Heh. Don't worry, hon. With all you've had to write, there were bound to appear two or three little mistakes per fic xD


technosage January 26 2007, 00:38:28 UTC
I'm something of a perfectionist, I fear. If there were a way to edit comments, I'd be in trouble. *hands*


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